The Night Circus

I have read The Night Circus once before, about a year ago. I remember that I thought it was both wonderful and fantastic and it settled in my top three of the best books I’ve ever read. But it wasn’t until now, last week, when I reread it, that I realized exactly how good it really is.

I would go so far as to say that The Night Circus is everything I’ve ever wanted in a book, and more. It’s an exquisite book, so beyond reality and what I think could be real, but The Night Circus showed me that nothing is impossible. The circus itself is like a dream and the book is like a dream, a dream I wish would never end. When in the midst of the book I caught myself wanting to reread it, even though I still had more than half of the book left. The Night Circus is a sparkling story that I want to read and read and read and never to end. And, in some weird way, even though it’s such a great book that I should be able to read in just a few days, it seems to linger on, every page is twice its size, the book is not 450 pages, it’s a lifetime of magic compromised into one perfect book with a perfect cover and a perfect set of characters.

During this, the second time I read it, I’ve wanted to tell everyone about it, recommend it to all my friends and people I haven’t talked to for years. I’ve wanted to climb up on a rooftop and shout out the name of the book, that’s how good it is. It’s not just a book, it’s so much more. It’s magic that will enchant you, making you forget all other books in the world, because none other than The Night Circus seems to matter anymore.