Rec of the month - September 18

The Raven Boys is the first in a series of four, a strange and magical tale by Maggie Stiefvater about the search for a long-lost Welsh king. In a little Virginia town, four boys attending Aglionby Academy, a private all-boys school, searches for a sleeping king without finding much of anything. Across town is Blue Sargent, the daughter of a psychic and she seems to be the missing link the boys need to finally find the king. Blue, however, does her best to stay away from boys because she’s been told that if she kisses her true love, he will die. Also, Aglionby boys are idiots. But she has always wanted to see magic, to see what her mother can see, if just for a moment. She never really decides to join the boys on their search, it just happens. The adventure they embark upon is one they’ll never forget and neither will you. If you enjoy strange novels about ghosts, psychics and bright orange Camaros, this one is for you! 

For a full review, klick HERE.